Transaction batching allows transactions to be easily voided, learn how to void payments below!
How to Void Payments From Payment Details
Once you have logged into the Payments Portal (click here to reach the login page), you will find yourself in the Payments Dashboard. From the Payments Dashboard, you will click on on the payment that you would like to void, this will bring up that payment's Payment Details.
Within the Payment Details, you will click on "Void" on the upper right hand side of the Payment Details within the Actions box.
Next, you will enter a reason for voiding the payment.
Lastly, you will click on "Void" to finalize voiding the payment.
How to Void Payments From Batches
Once you have logged into the Payments Portal (click here to reach the login page), you will click on "Batches" on the left-side navigation bar.
Once you have clicked on "Batches," you will be directed to the Transaction Batching section of the Payments Portal. Within Transaction Batching, you will see the last 7 days of batching data. In order to void a transaction, you must ensure that the transaction batch shows as "Active" within the "Status" column. If a transaction is showing as "Unprocessed" or "Completed" under the "Status" column, then voiding will not be possible. Proceed to click on the "Active" batch that you would like to view details for.
Within the Batch Details, you will see the Batch ID, Payment Count, Voided Payments, Chargebacks and Refunds, Status (whether Active, Unprocessed, or Completed), Close Date, and Amount at Time of Close. Also within the Batch Details, you will see an "Actions" box where you can Force Close a batch. At the bottom of the Batch Details, you will see the individual payments within the batch. Please note that you can export the batch payments in .csv format by clicking on the "Export" button. To void a payment, simply click on the checkbox next to the payment that you would like to void.
Please note that that the "Payment Total" amount won't necessarily match your daily payout.
Once you have clicked the checkbox next to the transaction or transactions that you want to void, you can go ahead and click on the "Void Selected" button.
After clicking on the "Void Selected" button, a modal box will open up asking you for confirmation that you would like to void the selected transactions. Continue to click on "Confirm" in order to void the selected transactions.
After clicking on "Confirm," go ahead and return to the Payments Dashboard by clicking on "Payments" on the left side navigation bar.
Back in the Payments Dashboard, you will now see that under "Status" that the payment that has been voided will show the status "Void Attempted." When you see "Void Attempted," it means that the void is being processed.
When the transaction void is done processing, you will see that status will change to "Voided."
If you need assistance or have any further questions, please click here to contact our support team.