How do I view Finance Loan Account Details, Quotes, and Draft Quotes?

Viewing Finance Loan Accounts, Quotes, and Draft Quotes has never been easier with Financing in the Merchant Portal.

Accessing Quotes and Loan Accounts in the Merchant Portal

Upon logging into the Merchant Portal (click here to reach the login page), you will be directed to the Payments Module. Simply click on "Financing" and then "View Quotes" on the left-side menu bar in order to Loan Accounts and Quotes. 



After clicking on "View Quotes," you will be directed to your Loan Accounts in the Merchant Portal. In Loan Accounts you can utilize the search bar in order to find a specific account as well as see the Loan Account ID, Quote Id, Date Created, Insured, Active/Expired status, and Premium Amount. 



From Financing, please note the toggle button. Simply click on the toggle button to switch between Loan Accounts, Quotes, and Drafts. 



On the right side of the page you will see a button, you can export your selection by clicking this "Export" button. 



Viewing Loan Account Details 

With the toggle button at the top of the page, make sure that "Loan Accounts" is selected. 



With your Loan Accounts pulled up, you will be able to click into either "Account Details" or "Payment Details."



By clicking into Account Details you will see important details like the loans Start Date, Last Payment Date, Last Payment Amount, Next Payment Date, Next Payment Amount, and the Renewal Date. You will also see "Quote Details." 



By clicking on "Quote Details" you will expand the view to include the Quote ID, Quote Status, Payment Link, Insured Entity, Program Name, Total Premium, Down Payment, APR, Finance Charge, Amount Financed, First Payment Date, Installments Installment Amount, Policy Fees, Taxes, Broker Fee, and the Total Amount. 



On the right side of the page you will see Actions and Timeline. Within the Actions, you have the options to View the PFA for the Loan and to Send Details to an email recipient. The Timeline is an easy way to view the lifecycle of your Loan Account from the moment a quote is created to the moment a payment has been completed. 



Viewing Quotes

Within Financing, click on "Quotes" on the toggle button at the top of the page in order to get to your quotes. 



In Quotes view, you will be able to Quote Id, Date Created, Named Insured, Status, and Premium Amount. Click on the line of data for the Quote that you want to view Details for. 



Once in the Quote Details you will see Quote ID, Quote Status, Payment Link, Insured Entity, Program Name, Total Premium, Down Payment, APR, Finance Charge, Amount Financed, First Payment Date, Installments Installment Amount, Policy Fees, Taxes, Broker Fee, and the Total Amount. On the right side of the page you will see Actions and and the Timeline. Within the Actions, you have the options to View the PFA for the Loan and to Send Details to an email recipient. 



Viewing and Resuming Draft Quotes

Click on "Drafts" on the toggle button at the top of the page in order to view your draft quotes. 


Once you select "Drafts" on the toggle button, you will be able to see your drafted quotes listed out. To resume working on a draft quote, simply click on the line of data for the quote that you would like to resume. 



After clicking on the Draft that you want to resume, you will be sent to the Create Quote view for that specific quote and you can pick up right where you left off. 



Congrats! Now you know how view Loan Account Details, Quotes, and Draft Quotes within the Financing module of the Merchant Portal! If you need assistance or have any further questions, please refer to our self-service Knowledge Base!