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  2. Transaction Batching & Voids

Transaction Batching Explained

This article will teach you the basics of Transaction Batching with AndDone.

What is Transaction Batching?

Transaction Batching is a process where multiple individual transactions are grouped together into a "batch" that will be processed at a specific point in time, typically at the end of day. In the case of AndDone, transactions will be grouped together into a batch and will be processed at Midnight (12:00 AM CST). 

Why is Transaction Batching important?

Transaction Batching is advantageous for Sub-Merchants because by grouping transactions into a batch that is processed at a specific time, Sub-Merchants can review their daily activities and quickly identify and void any transactions with discrepancies or errors. By allowing Sub-Merchants to quickly void erroneous transactions before the daily close time, AndDone effectively reduces the amount of Chargebacks that a Sub-Merchant is required to process. 

Accessing Batches in the Payments Portal

Once Logged into Payments Portal (click here to log in), simply click on "Batches" on the left-side navigation bar. 



On the right-side of the Batches screen, you will see statuses whether "Unprocessed," "Processed," or "Active." Please note that only "Active" are the transactions for the current business period and only transactions within these batches can be voided before the daily close time. The period of time before the daily close time, when batches can be voided, is what we call the “void-window."



Batches can be exported in .csv format by clicking on the "Export" button at the top right-hand side of your screen.



By clicking on the line of data for a batch, you can view the batch details including the individual transaction included within the batch. 



Within batch details, you are able to void transactions by selecting the checkbox next to the transaction(s) you would like to void, and then clicking on the "Void Selected" button.



Lastly, you have the ability to force-close a batch of transactions by clicking on the "Close Batch" button on the right side of the page. 



If you need assistance or have any further questions, please click here to contact our support team.