Saving and Resuming a Draft Quote - Premium Financing

Save and close a quote you are working on to resume later!

Saving and closing draft quotes

Upon logging into the Merchant Portal (click here to reach the login page), you will be directed to the Payments Module. Simply click on "Financing" and then "Create Quote" on the left side menu bar in order to create a new premium financing quote. 


After clicking on "Create Quote," you will be directed to the Create Quote view. At any point in time while working on your quote, you can select "Close and Save Draft" to save progress on your quote. 


After clicking on "Close and Save Draft," click on "Confirm." You will now be able to resume progress on the quote at a later time. 



Resuming Draft Quotes

Click on "Drafts" on the toggle button at the top of the page in order to view your draft quotes. 



Once you select "Drafts" on the toggle button, you will be able to see your drafted quotes listed out. To resume working on your draft quote, simply click on the line of data for the quote that you would like to resume. 



After clicking on the Draft Quote that you want to resume, you will be sent to the Create Quote view for that specific quote and you can pick up right where you left off. 


Congrats! Now you know how to Close & Save a draft quote and how to resume work at a later time! If you need assistance or have any further questions, please refer to our self-service Knowledge Base!