Getting Started: Adding a New User to the Payment Portal

This interactive guide will show you how to add a new user within the Payments Portal.

Upon logging in to the Payments Portal (click here to log in), you will be directed to the Payments module where you can see all of your recent payments. Click on "Settings" on the lower left-hand side of the menu to open the Settings drop-down menu. 


Click on  SETTINGS


From the drop-down menu you will click on "Users" to be redirected to User Settings. 


Click on Users


Within User Settings, click on "Add User." After clicking on "Add User," a modal window will appear with prompts to add User details. 


Click on Add User


Within the modal window, you must create a username containing at least one number (we recommend using a format similar to firstnamelastname# in order to make a username that is easy for the User to remember). 


Type in a Username.  It must include a number.


After entering the username, you will be prompted to fill enter the first name, last name, phone number, and email for the User. After you enter the above details, you will have the option to add an optional address. When you have successfully entered all relevant details, you will click on the "Save" button.

Clicking on the "Save" button will create the new User and you will be redirected to the User Settings, however, this User must still be activated. 


Click on Save


Within the User Settings, you must click on the User that you just created in order to activate the new User. Upon clicking on the username for the newly created User, you will open up the User details.


Click on the newly created Username.


Within the User Details, you will click on the "Activate" button to activate the new User. 


Click on Activate


If you need assistance or have any further questions, please contact our support team.